Leandro Goddinho, Paulo Menezes
Lolo is an openly gay 11-year-old boy trying to finally convince Max, his first love, to go public with their relationship at the school party.
GERMAN: Lolo ist 11 Jahre alt und offen schwul. Er will Max, seine erste große Liebe, davon überzeugen ihre Beziehung bei der anstehenden Schul-Party öffentlich zu machen. Max möchte auch eine Beziehung, aber ist sich nicht sicher ob Lolo der Richtige ist. Lolos beste Freunde Elena und Toby stehen ihm in dieser Situation bei und geben ihm die Unterstützung, die er braucht.
Valentine Lapière
Kim, 14 years old, is placed in juvenile correction centre for the first time. Deprived of liberty, she suddenly has to conform to strict rules, and she loses all her bearings. She might well try, it seems to her that it will never be enough, no matter how many efforts she makes. So she gets overwhelmed sometimes. To catch her breath back, Kim will have to find a place, to strike a new balance.
Patricia Vidal Delgado
Under the pretext of preparing for a role, an actor walks the streets of the neighbourhood of Compton, in Los Angeles, looking for information and inspiration. The actor ends up getting involved in a series of events, which the film stages as if it were a documentary, in a device that sometimes reveals that the camera observes small details that the protagonist does not see, thus making our point of view the true point of view, in an intelligent and subversive exploration of the rules of a genre.
United States
Year of the robot
Yves Gellie
At the intersection of art and science, L’année du robot (Year of the robot) depicts the human being and the robot as its artificial counterpart. As a series of archival documents detailing the first contacts and dialogue between a robot gifted with an artificially created autonomy and human beings, it studies cognitive dissonance, a minute, mysterious relational space sitting between the two actors.
It involves elderly people sometimes afflicted with Alzheimer's or dementia, or young adults with autism or neurological problems.
Once past the surprise phase and aware of the artificial nature of the robot's functioning, the residents try, despite everything, to forge bonds with it.
Stefan Pecher
A painter is standing in front of a blank canvas.
People trapped in a system, blind and tied up with their view on small screens. The actors of the 21st century are screaming.
The screams won't leave the painter alone.
His creativity surrenders.
It suddenly becomes quiet and he starts to paint.